Iswar Saran Degree College

A Constituent PG college of University of Allahabad

College with Potential For Excellence, NAAC Accredited B+


I am extremely delighted to know that Iswar Saran Post Graduate College, a premier constituent college of the University of Allahabad is celebrating its Golden Jubilee Celebration, the college has decided to release a "Souvenir". I believe the distinguished contributors of this Souvenir will enrich the journey of the college and its achievements. Such kind of publication reflect intensity of thought process and manifestation of creativity of individual as well as the institution. I extend my best wishes to the Iswar Saran Post Graduate College family to continue its efforts to serve the society by educating young generation and in the upliftment of deprived sections of the society. I wish the Golden Jubilee Year Celebration 2019-20 a grand success.

Prof. Sangeeta Srivastava
Vice Chancellor, University of Allahabad